15 expressões em inglês para a área de Gestão Comercial
A área de gestão no ramo comercial proporciona bons planos de carreira, e possibilidade reais de crescimento. Com o salário inicial de R$3.100,00, os cargos de gerência comercial podem chegar a ganhar R$7.083,00 (em níveis de maior experiência e capacitação).
Nem é preciso dizer que o quanto o inglês é essencial na área, especialmente nas empresas multinacionais ou que fazem negócios internacionais. Se você, profissional da área, quer crescer e se destacar é preciso investir na sua capacitação pessoal e profissional.
A seguir, adiantamos 15 das expressões mais utilizadas no meio business e que podem ser úteis a você desde já.
Como não utilizamos tradução no método da Alt, as explicações estão em inglês. Check it out!
1. ‘Bring up an issue’ or ‘Address an issue’
Example: Did he bring up the issue of the reorganization of our department due to this month? Did the coordinators talk about this during the meeting?
That means to give attention to a matter before moving forward to another step.
2. ‘Get the ball rolling’ or ‘Kick off’
Example: Let’s kick off/get the ball rolling here by watching some of the best TED talks, our semester is just beginning!
This expression means to start something, a project, an activity, a process.
3. Keep me in the loop
Example: Can you keep me in the loop on the progress of the negotiation?
Keeping people informed of what is going on with some process or job. Usually this person is interested in the development of a project as a supervisor, a coordinator or a boss.
4. Win-win situation
Example: This agreement is a win-win situation for the company and all the employees.
A win-win situation means advantage for both parts in an agreement, or benefit in some way.
5. Heads up
Example: Laura is going to give a heads up in all whatsapp groups about our first meeting.
An alert, a warning so that you can prepare yourself for the next step or upcoming event.
6. Ballpark figure
Example: Can you give me a ballpark figure of the strategy for our crowdfunding?
An estimate, roughly, not necessarily precise. (Ballpark is a baseball field).
7. Bring up to speed
Example: Can you bring me up to speed on the latest decisions you have made in the Company?
If you need an ‘up to date’, or even when you’re fresh somewhere and need to get into a routine and how things work then ask someone to ‘bring you up to speed’.
8. To the drawing board
Example: Louis will need to go back to the drawing board on his original plan.
The expression used in case you have to restart a new project, redo things you have already begun and, however, have not worked so well. Start over.
9. Stay afloat
Example: The concert hall is still staying afloat after the accounting expertise.
To be successful in having enough money to pay what you owe or even keeping it going well. Not sink.
10. Touching base
Example: Are you able to touch base now? We have to go over this topic tomorrow morning with all our staff.
‘To touch base’ is the same as making contact / having a fast meeting to catch up.
11. Pull it off
Example: Alex is having a conversation with the CEO after our failure during the presentation. Hope he’s pulling it off because the team had a hard time fixing everything.
To postpone.
12. To sign off on something
Example: Paul has to sign off on our project before we continue our research.
Approving it. Commonly used when a work needs permission from decision-makers to move on.
13. Push back
Example: It’s completely necessary to push back the delivery of the machines by one month due to the strike of all the employees.
To hold or wait. make a delay of a service usually followed by a reason.
14. It’s a long shot
Example: Hoping to convince our coordinator to postpone the meeting. Well, it’s a long shot, but let’s try to do it!
Unlikely possibility or low chances. Although you are not giving up trying anyway.
15. Pinging an email
Example: Our PR department will ping you an email with the briefing of the new job we are starting now..
Sending a message electronically, usually by email or even a text message. There’s also a possibility of sending it quickly by other means such as social media or other types of electronic communication.
Essas são alguns termos business para a área comercial, com expressões idiomáticas! Agora… se você quer subir para o próximo nível e levar o seu inglês para a qualidade máxima, o Instituto Alt pode te ajudar!
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